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Our problems could not last forever, like the rain would be over after some times and return with a clear blue sky. We see wild orchids blooming in rain droplets hanging from the great old trees. Of course we could still remember the sound of the rain beside our ears. We learn from rainy days.

After the Rain
Chinese Ink on paper
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一朝风月,万古长空。 A Buddhist text, literal translation : A day of wind moon Ten thousand years of long emptiness Perhaps it could also mean that the various up and down of a dynasty, is a page of emptiness in the written text of history, which repeat itself incessantly, eventually losing its meaning. Therefore what is real is the present moment, NOW. Unframed About Art Chinese Ink on paper $15,000/- Frame and shipping not included

I saw a very sad man, sitting quietly with eyes looking down as if inspecting on his history and perhaps his present situation. The situation did not seem bright. A few days ago, he was setting up his business along the five-foot-way, with someone who may be his partners. Today, he is alone, without a word. Not lifting an eye at any passerby, who may be his potential clients. He had lost all will to ride out of his, perceptively, very bad situation. I thought about living and surviving, it is always the will to solve a difficult situation, and they said, as the times get tough, the tough get going. It is very easy to repeat slogans, a matter of regurgitation and rationalizing that we could all be the person that could ride out the storm. But, but, when the day we are in such a situation, we probably would scream. Why me? Why me. Yes. Yes, it's you. You are the chosen one. Do you have the discipline, resilience, and wits to overturn the situation? Would faking it, really could turn things around. Some say fake it until you become it. Ludicrous, you would think so. Perhaps, that is why the young generation likes to call some, a fake.

Depressed Man
Chinese Ink on paper
Frame and shipping not included

Chinese Ink on paper
Frame and shipping not included


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