Calligraphy as therapy

It was rather unfortunate that I had a brain trauma after a very bad fall as I fainted after tasting a chemical-laden fruit. I had some bleeding in the brain and was seeking to heal and stop the brain bleeding after I was released from the hospital. In the hospital, I did a series of brain scan, throat scan, with CT scan and MRI. I spent five days in the hospital and was given pain killers and potassium supplements. The brain surgeon was happy to inform me in a manner of good news that I do not need brain surgery, which I was rather surprised after waking up from the fall without knowing what had happened.
Every night I was experiencing a headache which was excruciating, I had to use pain killer before I could rest properly. I hated pain killer since young and I could count the number of times I had to use them. Once it was during an army training while serving the nation in Brunei jungle. I was developing a high fever and to lower the fever this was the only solution, there was no doctor nor any other medication available. Another time, I woke up with a sharp pain when every I turned to look left or right. I reported to the medical centre and was given painkiller. I was relieved of the pain almost immediately after taking the painkiller.
As there seems to be no treatment for brain trauma except rest, I created my own routine. I meditate every time when taking a rest. I rest whenever I was tired. I switch to a Ovo-vegetarian diet. I had coffee and bread in the morning, played the Tibetan Bowl for awhile then I would practiced calligraphy until lunch. After lunch, I would take a rest if I was tired. In the late afternoon, I would start a series of simple exercises to strengthen my muscle and nerve.
The calligraphy practice helped me to be discipline, focus, carried out simple twists and turns of the wrist and body. I believe it helps incrementally where the brain re-establsihed movements and bodily agility from simple to more complex maneuvers.
Here are some of the pieces which I started from simple to more complex execution.


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