Art Auction and Raising Fund for a good cause

Title: 满, MAN.
Chinese Ink on Rice Paper. Size: 68cm x 45cm Price: Base price: 800
Frame sponsored by: Tan Kar Eng, Director, Jiudong llp, Year of Graduation: 1991

The word is almost buried in a sea of other characters leaving the two horns sticking above many hearts, in a reversal way, this sea is never full, hinting at the cessation of learning, like a filled cup, it cannot contain any more fluid. So, on one hand, we like to be full and yet one is always reminded of the danger of this fullness. The piece expresses this dichotomy of fullness and containment. Buried within are words of wisdom pertaining to a state of mind ‘Wu Wei’ (无为)。

"It is always fulfilling both for me and the many kind-hearted donors who generously give a part of themselves for others. "

SDE Development Fund

Republished from the School of Design and Environment (SDE, NUS) digital Flyer. 

SDE Development Fund was created in conjunction with SDE's 50th anniversary celebrations and the opening of SDE4, the first new-build net-zero energy building in Singapore. The SDE Development Fund is dedicated to creating a resilient future in significant ways. A living lab that advances research to address the most pressing concerns in our communities and built environment, the upcoming SDE precinct will be the NUS hub for the Urban Solutions and Sustainability cluster.
The Fund will also support the development of SDE staff and students through research, education and training programme to groom a new generation of talents and professionals for the industry. You may refer to the attached PDF which was sent out to alumni to encourage their contribution to the SDE Development Fund.

As enquired by your alumni friend, the SDE Development Fund is an expendable fund, which attracts 1:1 matching grant from MOE. 100% of the proceeds from the SDE50 Gala Dinner will go into the SDE Development Fund.

Due to the complexities of conducting a live auction during the SDE50 Gala Dinner, we have opted to showcase the auction items during the Gala Dinner, and collect bids for the auction items after the Gala Dinner via our SDE50 Microsite. The microsite will be updated in due course showcasing the auction items along with a short description.

Personal Motivation

I had helped many non-profit organizations to raise fund through my artwork. As they say, help can come in many ways, those who have money help with donations, those who have time help with their effort. It is very satisfying to see how one can help in the way they are comfortable with. The one organization I was affiliated with for some years is Mother of Children Earth (COME). Some years ago I started to auction my artwork to raise fund. It was also a challenge to do good work that would be appreciated by would-be donors. A few of my large pieces of Artwork had received great response from the donors, two works, in particular, the 'A Million' and the 'Paradise'. It is always fulfilling both for me and the many kind-hearted donors who generously give a part of themselves for others. I am grateful to the sponsors and bidders who supported my works, with them we can all be joyous and make merry with art living an aesthetic life.


Selected Pieces for Auction

Title: 真 Zhen 
Chinese Ink on Rice Paper. Size: 35cm x 35cm Price: Base price: 500
Frame sponsored by: Mabel Goh, Director, M.A.N architects, Year of Graduation: 1991
This word is written with swirling curves that mimic the flow of fluid at times dripping thinly and at another instance gathering into growing blobs. Made in a single breath of movement as if it is dancing and singing to a certain invisible rhythm. The word reminds one to cultivate an authentic self that is sincere, real, and genuine. As Bruce Lee would say, ‘To be cocky is easy, to be true and honest to yourself is hard’.


From Tay Kheng Soon: I am amazed by the delicacy of your brush strokes, your hand and arm control are incredible!

Title: 养 Yang.
Chinese Ink on Rice Paper. Size: 68cm x 45 cm, Price: Base price: 800
Frame sponsored by: Tan Kar Eng, Director, Jiudong llp, Year of Graduation: 1991

This is a practice piece especially for the traditional form of the word ‘养’. To be cultivated one must constantly practice his art, achieving a certain level of skill or behaviour that is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, music to the ears and aroma to the nose. Such a state of mind, body, and soul can only be achieved through practices and more practices. In the wisdom of the Dao, as one practices Dao, he loses some things every day until he returns to his origin. Here the traditional form of the word ‘养’ mingles with other words, insisting the viewers to unravel, to read, to interpret, to colour, in their own ways, enjoy the adventure of thoughts flowing between forms and strokes in an unknown journey, in so doing perhaps loses more of themselves, as each word in a cryptic manner may reverberate with them.

Tay Kheng Soon, “Better than Jackson Pollock's dynamic free forms!”

Title: 意 Yi, The Buddhist’s Mind.
Chinese Ink on Rice Paper. Size: 140cm x 70cm, Price: Base price: 1200
Frame sponsored by: Tan Shao Yen, Group Chief Innovation Officer, CPG Corporation Pte Ltd, Year of Graduation: 1992.

In today’s world, we see a convergence of the material and immaterial world, String theory sums it up aptly where the vibration of energy constitutes the smallest of matter. We find similarity in the Buddhist text that all materials are illusionary, the reality is reduced into a form of consciousness which can invoke the coalescence of energy, thereby transforming consciousness into the material form. It may seem impossible previously, however, increasingly with String Theory, our understanding of materiality is shifting towards the consciousness of the Buddhist’s mind. The mind is the creative centre of all reality, we imagine and soon the scientists and inventors will make it possible, space travel, the Artificial Intelligence Robots, the personal flying machine, the ultrasonic gun, lethal minuscule drones, if we can imagine them, we can build them. In Baudrillard’s third stage of Simulacra, hyperreality through technology, our senses have merged the imagined and the real, we see no difference in them. We had returned to this 500 BC Buddhist text, all realities are illusionary. The consciousness of the idea is already a reality. Only through meditation and focus can we pin down reality. 


Title: 风流赤子 Fengliu Chizi ; Chinese Ink on Rice Paper. Size70cm x 36cm, To be presented.
Frame sponsored by: ALL

These words are inspired by my most revered teacher. We salute him for his perseverance, undaunting trait and creativity.  Recalling 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物.



We have to read the calligraphy text from the right to the left while now we are typing from left to the right. The first two words [ 风流 ] makes reference to the poem by one great Chinese poet, Su Dong Po’s poem ‘Remembering the ancient Red Cliff’ or sometimes just translated as the ‘Red Cliff’. The word described ancients’ heroes, who mesmerized people through history for thousands of years, in their times their decisions determine history and the lives of thousands of people. As an architect friend, Chew Weng Huat said it aptly the word refer to a person describe as suave heroic personalities, the movers and the shakers.
I made some simple translation of the poem in English and at some places added more description to elaborate an otherwise cryptic Chinese text. Perhaps it is more wordy and clumsy, however, that is the best I could do in a few hours and my limited vocabulary, for a spur of the moment decision. Hope it explain the Chinese text in the calligraphy text above.

Remembering the Ancient Red Cliff by Su Dong Po

The Mighty river flows to the east with waves beating till the end
Heroes’ whose name last a thousand years flow like the unceasing wind.
The old relic to the west, they say is The three Kingdom General Zhou’s Red Cliff.
Chaotic rocks puncturing through spaces, water crashing down creating thousands waves of piling snow flakes.
A picture of rivers and mountain, at a times of many heroes
Imagining General Zhou just wedded his bride, Xiao Qiao, then a man of elegance and heroic exuberance.
Dressed in silk head gear and feathery fan in hand, between spoken words and laughter, formidable forces kicking up dead ashes, choking the air into a world of grayness.
A tour of the ancient world in passing, laughing at my overflow of passion, perhaps it is due to a head of white hairs that came early .
Life is like a dream in the humanly world, with raised wine glass lets toast to the ever settling moon floating on the flickering lake.

[ 赤子 ]

The word [ 赤子 ] it makes references to one of Mencius text, 离娄下, “大人者,不失其赤子之心者也“. Simply put, it means great man have a heart as naïve as the heart of the newly born. So that described in a very cryptic manner the meaning of the calligraphy text,
[ 风流赤子 ]。


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